Does this sound like you?

So.... we are a month into the New Year! How have the New Year's resolutions and goals been going? Are they now a faded memory? Or are they getting some traction?

School is back, the busyness of our lives is ramping up, and Easter is around the corner. February is a great month to reflect on the start of the year, not to throw in the towel and think "I will try again next year".  Reflect on the resolutions and goals you have set for the year, ask yourself...

  •  Are my goals too vague?

  • Are my goals meaningful to me? Or are they to please someone else?

  • Are my goals too overwhelming?

  • Do I have a plan how I am going to achieve my goals?

  • Does reaching my goals make me a healthier and happier person?

If you cant answer the above questions it might be time to edit your goal or try a new one, by asking yourself...

  • Why is this goal/resolution important to me?

  • What supports do I have to help me reach my goal/resolution?

  • What challenges might I face on the journey to my goal/resolution?

  • What are small steps I can take each day to move towards my goal/resolution?

  • How will I know I have reached my goal/resolution

Change can be hard, made even harder by lack of support from family, friends, colleagues and health professionals. Here are some of my helpful hints...

  • Consider what is important to you, and make time for these things. Out motivation increases 10 fold when we are doing things that are meaningful to us

  • Find a support health care team that listen to your needs

  • Be kind to yourself

  • Be realistic with your goals and actions

  • Allow yourself to enjoy favorite foods in moderation

  • Listen to what you body needs (includes sleep, relaxation, food, movement)

  • Choose activities you enjoy

  • Spend your energy on building lifelong healthy habits


MEAL PREP - What's all the fuss?


HAPPY NEW YEAR Lets talk ... resolutions