Winter is coming...

As the leaves fall and the temperature drops, it can be hard to leave the grasps of our warm and cozy beds, to move our bodies and make healthy choices.

Some reasons why we struggle to stay motivated with our health during the colder months are...

  • Reduced sunlight, which means less vitamin D. Vitamin D helps reduce infection and illness and may also improve our mood

  • Reduced sunlight can also change our body’s melatonin levels which can cause changes to our sleeping patterns

  • Our body’s like feeling warm and cozy, with the colder temperatures reducing our bodies “up and go”

  • Darker mornings make it difficult for our body’s to recognise that it is time to wake up, making us want to stay in bed and keep sleeping

Tips to help bounce out of bed!

  • Get into good sleep habits, winding down in the early evening and getting into bed at a reasonable hour

  • Use a light alarm clock that simulates sunrise, reminding our body that its time to wake up

  • Use an alarm clock with some motivational music that makes you feel energetic

  • Have a warm shower in the morning to warm the body up

Tips to stay motivated with exercise

  • Find yourself a fun and energic playlist that makes you motivated to get moving, spotify have some great playlists made already!

  • Move your body... even a little is better than nothing!

  • Take advantage of sunny days!

  • Rug up and take your movement outside to enjoy nature and the scenery

  • Think of exercise as “me time”

  • Exercise with others to keep accountable 

  • Switch it up and try something new

  • Try a home workout such as yoga

  • Try indoor activities such as swimming, dancing, or a group class

  • Set small and achievable goals to keep you motivated each day

Tips to fuel your body

  • Start your day with a warm and hearty breakfast such as a veggie fry up, poached/scrambled eggs on toast, or porridge

  • Eat what’s in season like root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets, and rutabagas), citrus fruits, and leafy greens (kale, silverbeet, spinach)

  • Enjoy warming, hearty soups and stews, incorporating lots of vegetables and a mix of whole grains and protein

  • Use your slow cooker for easy meals such as beef stew, taco soup, shepherd’s pie

  • Increase fluids by drinking tea and eat soups

  • Plan out your meals and snacks for the week to incorporate lots of vitamins and minerals to your diet

Try these tips as you come into winter to keep moving on your health journey! 
